
Wednesday, December 26, 2012


Christmas was yesterday. I like Christmas. This particular year, I have seen love in action in ways I have never seen it before!
Here's an example: we went to see the Sunday matinee of the Hobbit. Afterwards, we planned to meet some friends at their house (about a 15 minute drive in the country) to have stew in the woods. Stew in the woods is sort of a tradition. We go into the woods and make a fire and make stew. It is more awesome than it sounds. I still think it sounds pretty awesome. We were really looking forward to this. But on the way home from the movie theatre, it was snowing really hard and the roads were slippery. Once we got home, we had to have a long discussion on whether or not to go to our friend's house for stew in the woods. Finally, we decided against it, because of the road conditions, but we were disappointed. That was when our neighbour knocked on the door. She had brought frozen pizzas, salad, ice cream, candy canes, and even a DVD to watch. It was everything we needed to have a fun evening! God is WAY too good to me sometimes. But I am OK with that.
Christmas dinner at our place!
Another example is on Christmas Eve. After the Christmas Eve candlelight service at church, a friend from church called and offered to give us a turkey. We had been planning to just eat a chicken for Christmas Dinner but thanks to Mr. and Mrs. B, we got a turkey! It was delicious. God really does provide.
There were other things that made this Christmas wonderful: Handel's Messiah, Dutch blitz, Tim Tam slams, and finding bacon in the mailbox. It was fun to share Christmas with our friends from school who were visiting: last week our friends from the Bahamas, Ghana, and Mauritius were here, and for Christmas our guests were from the Bahamas and from China.
I am writing this from my room, which is really messy right now with Christmas gifts and packing for Urbana, which starts tomorrow. I am very ready to hear from God there.

Now I will share some thoughts about love that I wrote down over a year ago. The other day I was going through some papers and I found this:

So I had this thought today about what I wanted people to say at my funeral. I really want people to say I loved them. Like REALLY loved. Like I want to love so freely, so vulnerably and just so extraordinarily. I want to love in a way that is outside of social norms, that shows your love to everyone I know. Because you know it is not really normal to show love to people in our society. I mean, everybody says things like "Everybody should just love one another," but where do you see that? Instead people are getting mad at other people for butting in line or they are ignoring someone's text just to play it cool or they are talking about others behind their back. And I do those things too! But love is different! God's radical love can switch these things all around and upside-down and show the world His grace. And I realized today that I haven't really been showing that love. I have not been that open with people, and I am unwilling to make that investment in people's lives. I selfishly focus on things like schoolwork and even ACF activities, and forget the importance of building relationships. I guess in some cases relationships just kind of become built on their own but more often I need to be intentional in showing my love for people by giving them my time and listening to them and encouraging them.

God, I pray that I embody Your love today and everyday. God, if I really live our this love, it could seriously change everything around me. God, I pray that I do actually live this love, love as defined in 1 Corinthians 13. Here's what's holding me back from loving fully: I am scared of getting hurt, scared of being wounded, that other people will think I am weird or won't return my love or whatever. But that's how You are different.  I don't love people for their sake, exactly, or even for my sake, even though it works out best for the both of us in the end. No, I love people because I love You. You first loved us. Unconditionally, relentlessly, unfailingly. God, I am hopeful for what my life will look like as a) a background player in Your great story and b) a lover. 

Monday, December 3, 2012

Review of the Semester

Click on this photo to see a bigger version of it. Clockwise from top: Music video in the woods; Tim Tam Slam; Malagash retreat; Christmas party; Walk in Her Shoes campaign; Young Adults Bible study; crepes; Malagash retreat; Anti-slavery week
Well, the semester is over and I am in the library (as is everyone else, it would appear), studying mathematical economics but taking this brief break to reflect on what has happened this semester in the IVCF group here at Acadia and how I saw God in life. When I think back to the things that happened, I am extremely thankful! I have probably mentioned most of these in this blog before but I am just going to go over some of the things that happened that I am really thankful for; my highlights. Not all of these are Acadia Christian Fellowship events, but they are all things that fostered Christian community on campus!:
  • A bonfire in frosh week
  • Anti-slavery week
  • A worship night in the chapel including ACF, the gospel choir, young adults group and the chapel!
  • Bible studies happening around campus
  • Retreat at Malagash
  • A speaker from Wycliffe at large group
  •  Prayer group every Tuesday morning
  • A Tim Tam slam after large group one week
  • Hosting a potluck
  • Making a music video in the woods
  • The ACF Christmas party
  • Raising money for our IVCF staff worker, who is pregnant with her first child
  • Studying together
  • Trips to the crepe place 
I was just thinking, when people look at our community, how does it reflect God's Kingdom? Are we representing it well?  This semester, we have been studying parables in Luke, and often, Jesus says "the Kingdom of God is like...." It is like a mustard seed that seems small and insignificant and first and then grows into an expansive, life-giving plant. It is like yeast that is spread into three measures of flour. It is like a seed that a farmer sows on the ground and grows out of good soil, and bears fruit.
 And, I hope, it is like us. This is what I think people would see if they are on the outside looking in. I hope we continue to be like this and to strive to be a community like this:
  • A joyful group of people who look for any opportunity to celebrate
  • People who REALLY like singing and making music together
  • People who take time to care for others if a friend needs prayer or other assistance
  • People who are honest and vulnerable and trust others with their struggles
  • People who happily welcome others to join the party
  • People from all different cultures and backgrounds
  • People who like crepes a lot
  • People who go all out to be nice, whether it is filling a piggy bank for our ICVF staff worker, making someone feel special on their birthday, or writing encouraging notes to one another
  • People who genuinely want to do what God wants
I love the things God has been doing in this community this semester! I pray He would continue to help our community thrive. He has been so good to us!