
Saturday, February 9, 2013

Upcoming plans

Hello friends!
I just wanted to give you some exciting updates on my life. As you may know, I am in my last year here at beautiful Acadia and the plan is to graduate in May.
So WHAT, you may ask, am I planning to do after that?
Well, friend, on this snowed-in Saturday I will tell you my plans.
Between now and April: Studying hard and finishing a thesis! Also continuing to help out with the IVCF group here: leading the Bible study leaders, leading the exec team, faithfully attending prayer meeting and all that fun stuff.
AND I will probably be doing a lot of fundrasing, because...
I have registered for the Halifax Urban Partnership, which happens in the month of May. It is a month of spending time with the poor in Halifax and learning about God's heart for justice. It is something I never thought I would be doing, but I have felt God tugging me towards this and so I will do it.
The Mozambique flag has an AK-47 on it... what's with that?
And right after that is over, I am planning to go all the way to Mozambique for a Wycliffe internship. I will be working on some literacy materials for the Ngoni people group. So naturally I am totally nervous and excited for that. I will get to use the skills I learned at CanIL last summer so that will be wonderful.
After that, I am returning to Wolfville where I will hopefully get a job for the year. I am also excited for this. The Annapolis Valley is my favourite place in the world right now.
Well folks, that is what is going on in my life right now. I am very excited about where God is taking me and I cannot wait to see how He will provide.