
Saturday, February 9, 2013

Upcoming plans

Hello friends!
I just wanted to give you some exciting updates on my life. As you may know, I am in my last year here at beautiful Acadia and the plan is to graduate in May.
So WHAT, you may ask, am I planning to do after that?
Well, friend, on this snowed-in Saturday I will tell you my plans.
Between now and April: Studying hard and finishing a thesis! Also continuing to help out with the IVCF group here: leading the Bible study leaders, leading the exec team, faithfully attending prayer meeting and all that fun stuff.
AND I will probably be doing a lot of fundrasing, because...
I have registered for the Halifax Urban Partnership, which happens in the month of May. It is a month of spending time with the poor in Halifax and learning about God's heart for justice. It is something I never thought I would be doing, but I have felt God tugging me towards this and so I will do it.
The Mozambique flag has an AK-47 on it... what's with that?
And right after that is over, I am planning to go all the way to Mozambique for a Wycliffe internship. I will be working on some literacy materials for the Ngoni people group. So naturally I am totally nervous and excited for that. I will get to use the skills I learned at CanIL last summer so that will be wonderful.
After that, I am returning to Wolfville where I will hopefully get a job for the year. I am also excited for this. The Annapolis Valley is my favourite place in the world right now.
Well folks, that is what is going on in my life right now. I am very excited about where God is taking me and I cannot wait to see how He will provide.

1 comment:

  1. The love you seek (1 Corinthians 13) is within your grasp. You are the right age to pursue it. This love is probably rarely achieved in our times, but its pursuit is a worthy goal. The risks you worry about are part of the experience called “life”. If you are fortunate enough to have the opportunity, it is better to relish these feelings than dream of them.

    Rules for a happy life:
    Don't let yourself be abused. Don't get HIV. And, don't get pregnant until you want to.

    Talk of funerals is not right for someone who has so much living to do.
