
Sunday, May 12, 2013

12 Days In

Happy Mother's Day everyone! Especially my own Mom who is particularly special. Also, congratulations to all the grads who are convocating this weekend. I am praying for the family and friends of Sydney Taylor, whose life was so tragically taken from her earlier this month.

I have very limited computer and internet access this month but I wanted to use this opportunity to let you know what I have been up to.
As you know I am currently taking part in the Halifax Urban Partnership. We are a group of student leaders who are trying to discover God's heart for the poor. We spent the first week of May with other university students at a retreat where we studied the book of Mark, manuscript-style, all week. I so much enjoyed that week of studying God's Word, connecting with lovely friends, singing in the woods, watching stars and just basking in the freedom that Jesus allows.
As for being a leader, I learned a lot at MarkEast. I learned that Jesus wants us to give up our whole, entire lives to him (OK, so maybe I already knew this. I guess I just did not ever think of the consequences of that). BUT we can trust him  because he does love us, so much that he adamantly went to the cross even when everyone either betrayed, denied, or mocked him. I learned that the sin in my life, even if I don't think it's hurting anybody, could be hindering folks from the Kingdom.
My prayer for this month, for this summer, for this life, is that I have the kind of love Jesus has, the kind of love that loves the very ones who deny him, and who even chooses to use these ones to begin the church. A quote that has entered my mind is this one by the late Brennan Manning: "I have been seized by the power of a great affection." Yes. Yes. Yes.

After MarkEast, and after joyfully celebrating with some friends from Acadia, it was off to Halifax where I sleep on a mattress on the floor in a room with nine other girls. 
One day we had a nun visit us who runs a drop-in in downtown Halifax. If I had any stereotypes about nuns, she defied them all. I will get to spend many afternoons this month at this drop-in. She had many wise words for us. She said "Freedom is the most important God-given gift because it allows us to love him back." Amen, Sister. Amen. Freedom is when you can buy an entire bag of your favourite groceries (even Nutella and Vector!) and give it away with a joyful heart. Freedom is thinking of others as greater than yourselves. It is taking the lowest spot at the table and not caring if you get moved up or not. 

I wish I could show you some photos but the photo uploader does not seem to work today.
Love you all and thanks for all your support!

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