I started this blog mostly so friends and family in distant places could be kept up-to-date on my life goings-on.
So, I would like to share some exciting new things that will be happening in my life.
On Tuesday, March 11th I depart for Cameroon, where I will be attending a conference of national Bible translators and visiting various language projects. I am really thankful for this opportunity, especially the fact that I do not have to pay for it! Please pray for my time there: for health for me and everyone on the team, and for us to gain a greater understanding of Bible translation worldwide. Also pray for the conference and everyone attending. I expect to see God work on this trip. I already saw him do a miracle when I won the contest to be able to go, and I am confident that God will continue to do amazing things. He's pretty good at those (like this sunset I saw the other night).

The next exciting thing that is happening in my life is a summer job at a Bible camp right here in the Annapolis Valley. I actually got to visit this camp over the weekend as part of a retreat and it just made me really excited for the summer. This camp is not Malagash, but I think I can forgive it for that. :) I am looking forward to joining with the rest of the staff team to create an atmosphere that is conducive to the campers encountering God. In fact, there are a lot of things that excite me about this summer. A bunch of my friends from school AND my brother are all working there. Also, my job includes taking photos and videos of campers and writing a blog and newsletter! I marvel at the unexpected ways God uses our gifts, abilities and passions for His glory.
Relaxing by the fire at the camp |
Fun in the snow |
The last little tidbit of good news came in the form of a letter of acceptance into the Masters of Applied Environmental Studies in Local Economic Development from the University of Waterloo (yup, that's a mouthful, so it can be called LED for short). What does that mean? Well, that means I will transplant myself to Southwestern Ontario for a couple of years as I learn how to serve communities through economic development policy. It will be great to be a full-time student again, and to delve into more practical applications of the economic theory I spent the past few years studying. But of course the thought of leaving Wolfville for good is a terrifying thought. It pains me to think of how much I will miss the vibrant community here. But I know God is always with me, and He is good.