
Wednesday, March 5, 2014


I started this blog mostly so friends and family in distant places could be kept up-to-date on my life goings-on.
So, I would like to share some exciting new things that will be happening in my life.

On Tuesday, March 11th I depart for Cameroon, where I will be attending a conference of national Bible translators and visiting various language projects. I am really thankful for this opportunity, especially the fact that I do not have to pay for it! Please pray for my time there: for health for me and everyone on the team, and for us to gain a greater understanding of Bible translation worldwide. Also pray for the conference and everyone attending. I expect to see God work on this trip. I already saw him do a miracle when I won the contest to be able to go, and I am confident that God will continue to do amazing things. He's pretty good at those (like this sunset I saw the other night).

The next exciting thing that is happening in my life is a summer job at a Bible camp right here in the Annapolis Valley. I actually got to visit this camp over the weekend as part of a retreat and it just made me really excited for the summer. This camp is not Malagash, but I think I can forgive it for that. :) I am looking forward to joining with the rest of the staff team to create an atmosphere that is conducive to the campers encountering God. In fact, there are a lot of things that excite me about this summer. A bunch of my friends from school AND my brother are all working there. Also, my job includes taking photos and videos of campers and writing a blog and newsletter! I marvel at the unexpected ways God uses our gifts, abilities and passions for His glory.
Relaxing by the fire at the camp
Fun in the snow

The last little tidbit of good news came in the form of a letter of acceptance into the Masters of Applied Environmental Studies in Local Economic Development from the University of Waterloo (yup, that's a mouthful, so it can be called LED for short). What does that mean? Well, that means I will transplant myself to Southwestern Ontario for a couple of years as I learn how to serve communities through economic development policy. It will be great to be a full-time student again, and to delve into more practical applications of the economic theory I spent the past few years studying. But of course the thought of leaving Wolfville for good is a terrifying thought. It pains me to think of how much I will miss the vibrant community here. But I know God is always with me, and He is good.

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