
Thursday, October 4, 2012

Why I don't get drunk

It's Acadia University, one of the biggest party schools in the nation. Or maybe it just seems that way. Last year during frosh week, a student died from complications resulting from alcohol poisoning. And still, people party like it never happened. Coming to university is a huge adjustment to anybody. As a first-year student entering this environment, I started to wonder why I believed the things I believed. Why, as a Christian, did I believe it was wrong to get drunk? Was that a valid thing to think, or is there really nothing wrong with it?
It has taken me a couple years to think about this, and here are some of my reasons:
1. There is something wrong with drunkenness. The Bible does condemn it, like in 1 Peter 4:3: "For you have spent enough time in the past doing what pagans choose to do—living in debauchery, lust, drunkenness, orgies, carousing and detestable idolatry." I like the way this one is phrased. As if we need to move on to other things. Higher things. And there are many other passages throughout the New Testament that decry such a lifestyle. But even without the Bible guiding me, I think I would have realized that there is something wrong with it. In my time here, a boy has died. Friends have been taken to the hospital. People have done so many things that they later regret; relationships have been ruined. All these things are wrong, and I don't want to be a part of them.
2. There are people in my life who have struggled with alcoholism.I think it is cruel to them to go and make the same mistakes they did. Out of respect for neighbours, fellow brothers and sisters, I do not drink. 
3. It hinders Christian ministry. How can I serve someone when I myself am incapacitated? How can I worship God exuberantly on Sunday morning when I have a hangover from Saturday night? And how can I show the world that God's Way is better, if I am just living in their way? 
4. I am too poor. This goes with the fact that drunkenness hinders Christian ministry. If my money is going towards alcohol, that means it's not going towards good things, like buying coffee for a friend, supporting a missionary, or going to retreats or conferences. In any case, I am broke, like any student, struggling to have enough money to pay rent and tuition. I am not willing to accept the extra stress of purchasing alcohol.
5. I have better things to do with my time. This sort of comes off snobby. It's not, because it's true, and I think it is true for everyone. I love to have a good time! I love to go to concerts, play ultimate frisbee, go on  epic bike rides, read amazing books, go on runs at sunrise, bake cookies, and have meals with people. Among other things. This world we live in is vibrant. Here is a quote from Frederick Buechner:

"Every morning you wake up to something that in all eternity never was before and never will be again. And the you that wakes up was never the same before and will never be the same again either."

I don't want to miss that. 

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