
Saturday, March 16, 2013

Why I think giving to missions is awesome and other things on my heart

I realized I have not written about what's going on in my life for a while, so today, that is what I will do.
 Here's the thing. I wrote a thesis. Or I should say, I am in the process of writing a thesis. Now, it is off with a marker and I get to forget about it for ten days or so. Until yesterday, my life was a blur of classes, midterms, and spending a lot of time in the library. But now, there is a lull, and I enjoy it immensely. I can feel the end of my undergrad coming closer and that's really too bad because I feel like I am just getting the hang of this!
But life is really beautiful, if I do say so myself.  Last weekend some dear friends from my home church visited and that was lovely. This morning I got to host a worship team Bible Study at our house, and I think it was a microcosm of the Kingdom of God. I guess it was just eight or ten people eating breakfast together, then studying the Bible, then playing some music to praise and worship our Saviour, but it just reminded me how worship is not only through music. All the people who came over were musically gifted, whether they played a djembe, a ukulele, or sang. But I think perhaps they worshiped God in other ways. Folks came early to help me make breakfast. Is frying bacon a form of worship? That's up for debate, but I think it is when you wake up early on a Saturday morning to do it in order to serve others. People studied a Bible passage together. I would say that's worship; taking time out of your day to meditate on and learn the Scriptures shows that you value the Author. And then, of course, there was the music. I love sitting in the kitchen doing dishes or schoolwork and listening to the sweet sweet sounds being produced in our living room.
So yeah, life is beautiful. That photo, that's a photo I took with my phone on my way to/back from the library one evening. I like this school. I like this world actually.

OK. Now to the point of this post. I think another form of worship is giving. For me, I am giving my time. One whole summer devoted to spending time with the poor and also with helping with literacy projects in Mozambique.
The exciting thing is, I am not alone in this giving of my time. You see, this is what God has called me to do, so I am doing it. I think there are few things in life more exciting than doing God's will. But here's the thing. Even though I am spending one month in Halifax and three months in Mozambique, this is not only my trip. I truly believe this is part of God's story. Somehow. The craziness of how I (like really, me?) fit into God's plan to save the world is a story for another day, but the thing is, when you give to me, you get to be part of this story too! And not just when you give to me: there are so many opportunities to pray for, support, and give money to missions worldwide. I think God calls us all to give to something. It may not be me, but I know He will call some people to give to me, and I thank Him for that. Sure, we can invest in mutual funds and RRSPs, but we can also invest in something that has an eternal impact. That way, when I, or other people, do missions, we're not alone. We are completely dependent on God and on you, this community. I like the way God has created that. 
I think giving to missions is awesome because it shows God's goodness to those of us who are going when we see how He provides, and also because when you give you get to be a part of God's story, which happens to be the best story ever.

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