
Monday, April 29, 2013

Goodbyes and New Adventures

Tis the season for goodbyes and transitions, I think!
One of my best friends left by plane for Alberta early Sunday morning. She will be living out there for the summer.
My aunt left this morning by car to move to Calgary.
On Wednesday, I will be beginning this insane summer by spending one week studying the book of Mark with a bunch of other university students, and the rest of the month in Halifax with the urban poor.
Then before I even know it, it will be time to hop on a plane and go to Mozambique.
Yes, this is the season for goodbyes and transitions. It seems like I am not the only one having new adventures this summer. God is calling us all to different places.

This past weekend I had a dessert night to raise support for my internship in Mozambique. It was an incredible night full of a ton of people I love, way too many calories, and some information about Wycliffe's work. It would not have been possible without lots of help, especially from my mom. I think perhaps I have the most wonderful family (friends and church family included) on the planet.

God is really providing in terms of this internship. I have about a thousand dollars left to raise- the end is in sight! The Halifax Urban Partnership starts in two days and right now I still need about $500. Again, here is the link that tells how to give financially. But besides financial support, I will also need prayer support.

Thank God for:
  • His provision so far! I have been overwhelmed by the generosity of people. Wow!
  • Allowing me to successfully complete my final year of university. I will be graduating in two weeks.
  • A good year at Acadia Christian Fellowship. At our final exec meeting we found that the number of people involved in our group had doubled from previous years. Not only that, but students met Jesus for the first time. Cool! There are many of us who will be involved in Christian ministry this summer, so it is great that we are coming from a healthy community.
Ask God:
  • For financial support for the Halifax Urban Partnership and the internship in Mozambique to reach 100% (How to give)
  •  For my Mozambican Visa to be quickly processed and mailed to me
  • To give me a ridiculous love for the people of Halifax and Mozambique 
  • To give strength and stamina for me and for the people I will be working with.
Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen
-Ephesians 3:20-21 (NIV)

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