
Thursday, June 26, 2014

Why I am working at camp

Hi friends,
This summer, I am doing something I love: working at camp. I also have a job that allows me to use my gifts and talents in ways that I am very excited to do. I even get to take photos, make videos, and write blog posts! Of course, as a university graduate, I probably could have chosen a higher-paying job or a job in my field.

So why did I choose this job, this job where I live in (let's be honest) the middle of nowhere, getting less pay than I might get somewhere else while working really long hours? For some people, this may seem crazy. For me, this is camp, and I couldn't imagine a better way to spend my summer.

Here are some reasons camp is a worthwhile place to work:
  • The staff: in what other job do you get to work with a bunch of other people around your age who all have the same vision, who are a bit quirky and are totally humble, gracious people? At camp I am given the opportunity to learn from my peers and laugh with them every single day. Camp is an environment where I have the opportunity to become closer with my coworkers than in any other job. This is a diverse group of people who all have to work together for the same purpose. It is a beautiful microcosm of the Kingdom of God.
    Some camp staff being silly at our fave ice cream place
    Working together
  •  The surroundings: There is something life-giving about being in a place where God's creation is visible and circumambient. Each day the lake looks different. It's sometimes halcyon and glassy, sometimes white-tipped and choppy, and sometimes gray like the sky above. Just breathing here is a treat.
  • Children are adorable: I need to make this clear. Children just make me smile for no other reason except they are who they are. These little people are in the process of discovering the world and it is really fun just to watch them do it. I love them because they do unexpected things all the time!
  • The opportunity to invest in these children's lives: When I was young and went to camp, I saw Jesus' love in action among the staff at camp. It was environment conducive to spiritual growth. When children come to camp, I have no idea what their home situations are. I do not know what their background is. They may not have ever heard Jesus' name. But for the one week they are here, we have the opportunity to show them God's love in a big way. We have the opportunity to invest into them. 
  • It's where God's called me to be right now: Being in a place you know you are meant to be is pretty much a recipe for contentment. I love that my job can include everything from canoeing with campers to making videos to cleaning toilets, and every day I wake up with a thankful heart.
Thanks for reading, friends. For the next couple months I will be here at camp before moving halfway across the country to start yet another chapter in my life. Please pray for me and the staff at camp as we sow the Gospel into children's lives this summer. Please also pray for my preparations to go to Waterloo. Let me know if there is any way I can pray for you, too!

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