
Friday, September 9, 2016

Camp 2016

I have written and rewritten this blog post as I try to make sense of my summer this year.
Summer at camp is always intense. It is a whirlwind of sweat, coffee, tears, the bridge of "Oceans" and costumes for every conceivable occasion. I was not planning on spending the summer at camp. It was not part of my plan. But, I suppose it was part of God's plan. I don't think God needed me to be at camp. He doesn't really need any of us I think God just loves me and wanted me to be at camp. God loves me so much that He wanted to let me in on some of the really amazing stuff He is doing.

I had reasonable dreams for the summer. My plan was to travel and then begin my career. I travelled, and that was lovely, but the whole career thing was not working. Every opportunity I had fell through in some way. I made the decision to continue the job search while working and volunteering at Malagash Bible Camp and Kingswood Camp. Now, at the end of the camp season, I know the truth: I had small dreams for my summer, but God had BIG dreams.

God's dreams for my summer included getting to share the gospel (aka good news) with about 70 young children, some of whom made the decision to follow Jesus during their week at camp. God's dreams included getting to know some rad volunteers and staff in the kitchen at Malagash and seeing these folks work with joy and develop servant's hearts. God's dreams included late-night chats with old and new friends and tipping canoes on the lake. God's dreams for my summer included hammock lazing and hands-and-knees scrubbing. It included giving campers their first Bible and being a trusted ear for children to ask questions about Jesus. It included crying, wondering if I had the strength any more, and praying for God to give me more strength and joy.

When we have small dreams, God has big dreams.

One small example of this is when Candice and I were program directors at Malagash one week. We had been planning for weeks to do an Elijah fire: basically a Bible-themed skit culminating in a massive bonfire. When the week we were directing came around, there was the biggest burn ban in Nova Scotia I have ever seen. Due to forest fires, all bonfires were banned. Even travel in the woods was banned. A couple days before we had scheduled the Elijah fire, we recognized that we would have to find a new plan. We were so disappointed that we could not do the Elijah fire as we had so been looking forward to it! But we threw together the idea of a night chapel: a time when the campers could reflect on the week and a space to allow for questions and prayer. The campers that week were some of the most fun, hilarious and goofiest people I've met. We loved them! But would they respond to this time of quiet, of asking God to come? Would it be too serious for them? When Candice announced to the campers that this was the next thing on the schedule, the first question she received was "How long will it be?" We braced ourselves for an awkward hour.

But remarkably, or perhaps unsurprisingly, God showed up. It was a beautiful sight. Outside the chapel, people washed each other's feet. The speaker for the week, Hudson, sat with a group of campers and they discussed questions of faith. After a while, a group formed on the chapel bridge and sang worship songs. What a refreshing sight to see 13-year old boys sincerely singing to God! Inside the chapel, some prayed alone or with a leader or friends. Some thoughtfully took communion. I felt the presence of the Holy Spirit. You can never be to young or goofy to receive the Holy Spirit.

We had planned the Elijah fire so carefully: but God had even bigger plans and dreams. He gave us the good gift of feeling His presence that evening.

So as I finish the camp season with a whole lot of uncertainty up ahead, I know that God has bigger dreams than I can even imagine.

Here are some photos and quotes illustrating this summer.
First ever Malagash Summer Bash! What a great time
Had to add a classic sunset photo

Malagash Grades 3-5 Camp quotes
"That fly is following you! It must really want to know about Jesus" Naomi.
"Did Noah bring two of each fish into the ark, just in case?" Theo.
"You gotta have B-U-T-T-S, you gotta have butts!" Bunch of young boys.
Me: "Think of the worst bad guy in movies and books."
Ryland: "Donald Trump!"
"My mom says I couldn't get anything with blue dye or red dye, so I just got purple stuff from the tuck shop." -Campbell
"How come they have 30 seconds and we only have a minute?" Izzy
"So does God have boy parts or girl parts?" Mylah

We had a lot of dress-up days at 3-5 camp.

Chris and Rebekah went all out! This was for a futuristic meal. Chris is inside there. The kids loved it.

There are worse places to be in the summer.
When the sky looks like a painting

Malagash Grades 5-7 Camp quotes
"I need you to look in this mirror. I need it for my complex." Ezra
Andrea and Andrea went all out with a Narnia-themed week! Thanks Jessica for riding your horse to camp.

The cutest mad scientist I ever did see. He loved helping his mama!

Kingswood YES Camp
Me: What colour is this?
Emma: That colour is Jesus.

Me: I don't think I'm very good at painting
Truman: Jesus still loves you.
One morning at Kingswood I walked out of the cabin to find this.

Malagash Family Camp
Riley: "If the septic is fixed, we're definitely making muffins."

Small boy, in the saddest voice imaginable: "I just want some potatoes."

Me: "I can't wait for the Elijah fire." 
Elijah: *Runs out of the kitchen.*

Kitchen and maintenance staff: *Dance to "Say Yes" unceasingly*
We MAY have forgotten about some bacon in the oven....

My sister and me at maximum attractiveness
Malagash Junior Teens
Me: How did you break the bunk? Was it Wrestlemania?
Two boys: Na, two guys in our cabin became Christians and we just went wild!
Took a candid shot of some of the campers hanging out at free time- love them!

Sibling twinning

Couple twinning

Elderly twinning

We wanted an epic game intro, which somehow translated into Ben spending more or less an hour making this technical drawing of the lifeguard stand. So worth it!
Matt and Sarah came up for the day during their honeymoon for Thirst Games, which included this structure. So fun!
I loved the campers at Junior Teens! This was one cabin's excuse for not cleaning their cabin

Kingswood Intermediate Camp
Alanna at utensil meal: You guys can get forks now if you want.
Emma, eating her dinner with a ladle: I'm finishing what I started.

Merrick at banquet, to me: Are you dressed up as a pilgrim?
Me: ...Nope!

We love dishes and Les Mis
Ending the summer at the second Malagash Summer Bash. God is good!

1 comment:

  1. This was an awesome read, Hannah. Definitely instilled a sense of longing in me, similar to when I read the Narnia books, a longing for God's goodness and adventure-life
