
Monday, July 30, 2012

The weak

This past week was probably the toughest one I have had so far this summer, with many deadlines and a sick me. That is why I will call it a "weak"! But it is a new week now and things are looking better!

Some highlights of the week:
-Every year, the staff throws a party for the students, and then the students throw a party for the staff. The student party was Friday night and we had a fun time entertaining the staff- many laughs were had!
-On Saturday, a few of us went out for Korean food at a local restaurant. I have never really experienced Korean food before. One of the people I went with had taught in South Korea for four years, so she was the resident expert in what to order. I just enjoyed having this new cultural experience! I love trying new things and that was yet another thing I can add to list of things I have done for the first time here.

-Last night I was graciously invited over to the house of a friend from Acadia who lives out here. I got to hang out with her hilarious family and go for a walk at beautiful Crescent Beach. I love East Coast beaches, and I still think nothing can compare to the beach at camp... but it was one of the most gorgeous places I have ever seen. Mountains and ocean and setting sun, and even the skyscrapers of Vancouver in the background. My biggest regret is not bringing my camera.

A photo of Crescent Beach taken with my phone
BUT I was very discouraged upon attending church yesterday. You see, all throughout this past week the Scripture Use students have been presenting commissioned projects in chapel. These are projects they commissioned someone to do to present the Bible in a creative way. So all through last week the chapels have been like a showcase of people using their talents to communicate Bible truths and glorify God: people have written songs, done spoken word poetry, used stand-up comedy, sign language poetry, and even juggling. And it has been really incredible. It has opened my eyes that church does not have to be boring. So I was disappointed to attend a large local church and see how similar it was to about four other churches I have been to here. The schedule is roughly the same: The worship time, followed by the preaching, with announcements, offering and coffee break peppered in there somewhere. The demographic is roughly the same: upper middle class white people.I don't know why! God's kingdom is SO much more expansive and exciting than what church here in North America is.

Anyway, in the end church is more than the show on Sunday. It is a group of global believers, using our gifts and talents to serve our Savior and worship our King.

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