
Friday, January 4, 2013

Just another Urbana post

Right now I am in Urbana withdrawal. I re-read my notes. I re-watch videos of the sessions. I re-listen to the worship songs. I inundate my family and friends with stories. They are not too too annoyed, yet. Meanwhile, I have a thesis that is just begging to be written. But I unfortunately cannot bring myself to work on it right now. It is only a few days until I go back to school and become busy again, so I want to work on it now when I have this wonderfully empty schedule and this warm fire and yet, my mind is preoccupied. Urbana was an intense few days during which a lot of truth was spoken. Thinking about writing my thesis, thinking about going on Pinterest or Facebook or watching another episode of Modern Family makes me think of a truth I was reminded of at Urbana: the truth that we do not have time to waste our lives. On the plane back from Urbana, I started reading one of the books I had bought at the massive bookstore there. Before the actual book even started, in the forward, I encountered a truth that has kept turning around in my head: "The truth is, we are not tired and busy because we are doing too much. We are tired and busy because we are doing the wrong things."

When I think about my life, I am not concentrating on things that are really important. I spend a bunch of time entertaining myself, then I say that I do not have time to do things like pray or build relationships. So many times I use busyness as an excuse not to do what God is calling me too. The next time I am tempted to use that as an excuse, I will rethink the reasons why I am busy. Jesus never said anything like "Entertain yourself," or "You deserve a rest" (He said he will give us rest, but that has nothing to do with us deserving it). He did say this, though:
"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

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