
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Winter 2013

The winter semester is now in full swing and life is looking all right.
Here are a few stories from my life. I don't have many photos to show you but I do have a video a friend of mine "vlogged." It makes me smile.
Story number one: in which Hannah learns new things and conquers her fear, almost. Once upon a time, I was on the cusp of returning to school for the semester, eating lunch at the kitchen table with my family, getting ready for the trip back in about an hour. Then my Mom mentioned that our neighbour was selling her car for a ridiculously cheap price. I had kind of been thinking about getting a car, but thought that for the sake of my finances, it may not be a good idea. However, this was such a good price that I changed my mind. But, I did not have time to even check out the car before I went back to school. About a week later, my Dad called me and said I should buy the car. I tend to listen to my Dad on matters such as these, so I agreed. There was only one catch: it was a standard. A manual transmission. A stick shift. I had to be able to drive it the two hours between home and school. This thought caused me much anxiety. Last Thursday, a friend of mine graciously took me driving in his car, which was a standard. It was good to get practice but I stalled a bunch of times and did lots of other stuff wrong and I am not exactly sure why I did not cause him to go into cardiac arrest. If I was driving with me my blood pressure would certainly go through the roof. In fact it did. I think I got a burst of adrenaline, even, which is not something one would want while trying to be calm. Anyway. Friday I took the bus home to get my car. It was a little scary because it was a snowstorm. That day I bought a car, and on Saturday I drove my car to school. It was snowing and I had maybe a total of two and a half hours of stick shift practice in the past five years. But somehow, I made it. And I have been practicing driving since then.

 I think God is teaching me something through this car. He's teaching me to not rely on anybody but Him. He's teaching me to face my fears. I don't like when fear stops me from doing something I want to do. Thankfully, God does not let it stop me. It says in 1 John that perfect love casts out all fear. Perhaps driving this car is a metaphor for something. I do not know for what. You see, what I am most afraid of is getting out of my driveway... the backing up, the starting and stopping. I am just not very good at reversing, and sometimes I stall when I try to start moving. But once I am moving, it is not a problem. So perhaps this is a metaphor for things God calls us to...the hardest part is the starting, making that first move, taking that risky step.

Story number two: in which ACF boys are sickeningly sweet. One night this weekend I hosted a girl's night. We made cookies, painted nails, watched a chick flick.. pretty girly stuff, you know. Somehow, the guys got wind of this girl's night and at one point, we heard music at our door. We opened it to find a bunch of the ACF guys serenading us with ukulele, guitar, and their voices singing "I've Just Seen a Face." And they gave us all flowers. I kind of love the guys. I love the girls too. I love everybody. It was the kind of night that I am sure I will look back on in the future when I reminisce about my university days.

Prayer request: I have applied for a Wycliffe internship for the summer. Pray that I might be able to find a placement! Also, please pray for Acadia Christian Fellowship, we always need prayer!

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