Our hand-picked bouquet |
First there are the adventures we have on our own: Creating a tally of how many times the fire alarm has gone off (it's been seven now), and locking ourselves out of our house one night and having to crawl in the window, and taking a spontaneous trip to Blomidon.
Then there are the adventures we share with others. First, I invited a friend and his girlfriend over for supper. When the day for the supper finally came (our first 'dinner party') there were ten mouths to feed! What a wonderful beginning. I invited my good friend over for supper and to cut my hair. So my bedroom turned into a makeshift salon. We invited some girls we knew, and some we just met, to come for a movie night. I feel like it is so much easier to create community when I have my own place to invite others into. Sharing life with others is a pleasure. God has given me so much, and I can't help but share it- exuberantly, inclusively, and joyfully.
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